Preeti’s Recipes
Green Waffles
This yummy recipe makes 4 waffles. I usually have enough to refrigerate or freeze! And trust me, you cannot taste the spinach at all! The spinach adds so many nutrients and gives the waffles a very bright and green color.
This yummy recipe makes 4 waffles. I usually have enough to refrigerate or freeze! And trust me, you cannot taste the spinach at all! The spinach adds so many nutrients and gives the waffles a very bright and green color. When I first made these waffles, the adults enjoyed them more than the little ones. I added powder sugar and maple syrup, it was basically a dessert! SO GOOD!
Ingredients: (makes 4 waffles)
2 cups flour
2 eggs
¼ cup oil
¼ cup apple sauce
1 cup spinach
½ tsp vanilla extract
½ cup milk
¼ tsp salt
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 tbsp baking powder
In a blender add the following: milk, eggs, spinach, vanilla, and apple sauce. Blend until everything is nice and smooth.
In a separate bowl, mix all dry ingredients (flour, cinnamon, baking powder, salt)
Mix all dry and wet ingredients.
Spread evenly on a waffle maker and cook until the edges are nice and crispy.
Top with your favorite fruits or syrup!
Rolled Oats Waffles/Pancakes
I love making these waffles for Harnaya. It makes me feel good that she’s getting in so many nutrients! This waffle recipe is not only super healthy for you and your little one to enjoy but also very easy to make using ingredients you probably already have at home.
I love making these waffles for Harnaya. It makes me feel good that she’s getting in so many nutrients! This waffle recipe is not only super healthy for you and your little one to enjoy but also very easy to make using ingredients you probably already have at home. If you don’t have a waffle maker, you can also turn these into pancakes! Delicious and nutritious either way!
Today, I sweetened it with date nectar syrup but you can add any fruits to sweeten as well.
Try it out and let me know how you like it!
1 cup rolled oats
A Handful of chia seeds
A handful spinach
1-2 tbsp sweetener of choice
1 cup milk
Blend all the above in a blender until the batter is smooth. Spread evenly on a waffle maker and cook until the edges are nice and crispy.
Stuffed French Toast
Sharing this easy and yummy breakfast that we’ve all been enjoying as a family for quite some time now. If you’d like visuals on how I make this french toast, be sure to check out my Instagram highlights!
Sharing this easy and yummy breakfast that we’ve all been enjoying as a family for quite some time now. If you’d like visuals on how I make this french toast, be sure to check out my Instagram highlights!
Today, I filled the bread with peanut butter and strawberries but feel free to swap it out with yummy toppings you or your little one enjoy. We love nutella and bananas together, or sausage for a savory french toast!
Ingredients: (serves one)
2 slices of bread of choice
1 egg
2 tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla
Pinch of cinnamon
Enough peanut butter and strawberries to roll into the bread
Blend together egg, milk, vanilla, cinnamon in a bowl.
Chop berries and keep them aside.
Spread peanut butter to one side of your bread (I like to roll my bread out with a rolling pin prior to spreading the peanut butter so that the bread is nice and thin, which ensures a crispy crust!)
Add berries to 1.4 of the slice of bread that has peanut butter on it.
Roll bread and pinch the ends so that the bread doesn't open up.
Soak rolled the bread into the egg mixture and add to an oiled/buttered warm pan.
Cook until both sides get crispy.
Serve with syrup of choice!
Anda Bread Breakfast
I love serving this breakfast with ketchup or Maggi sauce. It brings back childhood memories when my mom or aunts would make it for me and my siblings over the weekends!
3 eggs
4 slices of bread of choice
A handful of spring onions
Green chili to taste or chili flakes (omit for little ones that can’t handle spice)
Salt, pepper, turmeric- to taste
Butter (for skillet)
1 tbsp dry methi (fenugreek leaves)
¼ tsp chia seeds
Handful green bell pepper, onion,
Beat eggs in a large bowl
Whisk in dry ingredients
Add in optional ingredients (chia seeds, bell pepper, onions)
Turn on the stove (medium heat) and coat with butter
Dip bread into the egg mixture and coat evenly on both sides of the bread.
Once the skillet is warm enough, add the bread and cook evenly on both sides.
Cut into smaller pieces if serving to your little one
I love serving this breakfast with ketchup or Maggi sauce. It brings back childhood memories when my mom or aunts would make it for me and my siblings over the weekends!
Best Frozen Foods For Toddlers
Growing up frozen foods was a concept I never heard of. My mom prepared fresh food for me and my family. In fact, frozen foods were looked down upon. I always loved going to my cousin’s house so we could have frozen parathas and I would feel like I was doing something.
Growing up frozen foods was a concept I never heard of. My mom prepared fresh food for me and my family. In fact, frozen foods were looked down upon. I always loved going to my cousin’s house so we could have frozen parathas and I would feel like I was doing something…
Healthy And Quick Breakfasts For You
Breakfast is usually a challenge for us. I usually don’t wake up until my alarm clock (AKA- Harnaya) wakes me up. This means mornings are usually chaotic with me trying to make coffee, let Zoey to do her thing, feeding zoey, getting Harnaya ready for the day, making breakfast for Harnaya.
Breakfast is usually a challenge for us. I usually don’t wake up until my alarm clock (AKA- Harnaya) wakes me up. This means mornings are usually chaotic with me trying to make coffee, let Zoey do her thing, feeding Zoey, getting Harnaya ready for the day, making breakfast for Harnaya. Breakfast is usually even harder for us in particular, because Haman and I are not big breakfast people. We like to have coffee and a muffin or biscotti. So this is the one meal I have to get creative and make a meal with a toddler in mind, whereas for lunch and dinner I make whatever I want to eat!
Here are some easy breakfasts (some of which are easy to prepare beforehand!)
1. Rolled Oats Waffles/Pancakes
3. French Toast Roll-Ups
4. 3-Ingredient Egg “Pancakes”