Healthy And Quick Breakfasts For You

Breakfast is usually a challenge for us. I usually don’t wake up until my alarm clock (AKA- Harnaya) wakes me up. This means mornings are usually chaotic with me trying to make coffee, let Zoey do her thing, feeding Zoey, getting Harnaya ready for the day, making breakfast for Harnaya. Breakfast is usually even harder for us in particular, because Haman and I are not big breakfast people. We like to have coffee and a muffin or biscotti. So this is the one meal I have to get creative and make a meal with a toddler in mind, whereas for lunch and dinner I make whatever I want to eat!

Here are some easy breakfasts (some of which are easy to prepare beforehand!)

1. Rolled Oats Waffles/Pancakes 

2. Green Pancakes/Waffles 

3. French Toast Roll-Ups 

4. 3-Ingredient Egg “Pancakes” 

5. Anda Bread Breakfast


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